Friday, June 22, 2012

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The SideShow Project...

This will serve as the CASTING CALL for my SideShow Project...

I will need people to fill the following categories:

Tattooed Man/Woman

Bearded Lady
Dancing Girls
Old Timey Musicians
Strong Man
Snake Charmer
Wild Man/Woman
Dog Trainer
Exotic Girl

Multiples of each are possible, and several categories imply more than one person.

There will be more to the me...and you don't have to actually perform the act (except contortionist)...Just look the part...

This will be part and parcel to a book that is in the works...
More on that as it develops beyond planning stage.

If you are interested...or know someone that is, email me at:
Come and LIKE me on FaceBook

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Thursday, February 9, 2012

...and BAM! there was Amyle!

Amyle is SOOO beautiful, and a pleasure to shoot...
Watch for her large scale prints...available soon!

Friday, January 27, 2012

February Shooting Schedule

I have decided to streamline my shooting process for the month of February....
All shoots will be taking place at Great American Tattoo Company in Franklin.
Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 8pm to 10 pm(ish)...all month long.
If you are interested in posing for the February round, please feel free to contact me by email at...

Friday, January 20, 2012

Stocking up the web store!

12X12 color...The beautiful Shayna...
Order a copy from the open edition HERE!!!

...and a sweet soft focus shot from the same session...
Snag your copy from my web store only $12... HERE!!!

A fan shot...
Purchase one HERE!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

More Posters up on the web store...

12X36 Black and White...
Poster available HERE!!!

 Also 12X36...Titled "Peel"
Get your copy of the open edition print HERE!!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Posters now available!!!

There are a few poster sized prints now up for sale.
12X36 triptych of Stacey in Black & White....Get the open edition poster/print HERE!

11X14 color poster/ Britney...Order one HERE!

Limited editions coming soon!!!
"LIKE" me on Facebook!!!!