Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Pretty Things Peepshow

The Professor was in attendance at a sweet burlesque/sideshow on Feb. 25th in Muncie...
The Pretty Things Peepshow...
The ladies were beautiful and talented...and Donny Vomit held the whole thing together with his "talker and blockhead routine".
Here are a few of the shots...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Body Erotica Show

The Professor was in attendance at The Body Erotica Show at Club Envy in Muncie, Indiana on Friday February 4th, 2011.
Not only was he there to paint tattoos on the bodies of several scantily dressed ladies....but, he also had the opportunity to shoot a few pictures...
Here's a small taste...
 This beautiful lady stood out....

I think we all had fun...